[wikka-community] Multiple Questions

Spot spot
Sat Apr 10 19:03:29 GMT 2010


First off I want to apologize in advance, as I hate it when people ask 
questions which they have not taken much time to look up themselves. I 
did a little bit of searching but not as much as usual. I'm strapped for 
time on this one, so thanks in advance.

We need the ability to store our documentation in svn, and therefore 
require the ability to store page data in flat files as opposed to the 
db. Reading page data off the file-system itself, or pushing it into the 
db only when it changes on disk, doesn't matter. This documentation is 
for our internal APIs, so load is not a concern. Either will work.

#1. Is there a module, or external code which provides this kind of 
functionality? If not, how difficult would this be to hack into the 
current Wikka structure (I have not had time to look at the Wikka code 

#2. Has anyone tried implementing Bespin Embedded into Wikka for an editor?

#3. Is there an API for using external user accounts? If not, is there a 
way to not require the StrangE UsernameS of our developers?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can assist with answering these questions.


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