[wikka-community] custom {{revisionlink}} menulet (action)

Nils Lindenberg niehle
Thu Oct 1 15:00:16 GMT 2009


revisions.php is the right place to look. The important part there is  
the line beginning with 'echo'  which uses a shorthand notation of an  
if clause (if there is an older revision, i.e. GetPageTime returns  
something, the whole part between the '' is echoed on the screen). You  
probably want to rewrite this line to be able to modify the things  

Basically you have to check for params first (see other actions like  
googleform.php to see how to do that).  $this->existsPage() might be  

Furthermore you would want to check for something like rss="no" as a  
param to determine if to hide the rss link.

If I haven't reduced your confusion, open a page on wikkawiki.org and  
post the code you have (and your difficulties).

Including parts of a page is not possible, since we need section- 
management for that, first.


Am 01.10.2009 um 15:34 schrieb flurios:

> Hello everybody,
> I would like to modify the {{revisionlink}} action.
> Purpose: I have a main site with a list of projects represented by
> their own page. In the main list I would like to include the
> revisionlink output of the listed page.
> Look and Feel: To show the revisionlink of a specific page I want to
> use the following syntax: {{revisionlink PageName}} (or {{revisionlink
> page="PageName"}}) and I would like to be able to disable the xml/rss
> link somehow.
> Any suggestions? I digged a bit in the code as far as revisions.php
> ... but it looked a bit confusing to me...
> Cheers,
> flurios
> Btw. is it possible to just include a part of a page? e.g. with
> no-/include sections?
> http://docs.wikkawiki.org/IncludeAction?show_comments=1#comments
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