[wikka-community] initial install for a newbie

John Williams JLWILL22 JLWILL22
Fri Sep 10 15:37:29 GMT 2010

I recently installed wikkawiki on OpenBSD 4.7 with php 5.2.12 and mysql 
server 5.1.42.  I followed the instructions supplied on wikkawiki.org, and 
successfully completed the setup.  However, when the initial page is 
launched I see the wiki name:hompage and then the following messages:
Formatter "wakka" not found
Unknown method "page/show.php"
Unknown method "page/backlinks.php"
The database was populated during the initial setup and the wikka files 
are located in the default web folder /var/www/htdocs.
Any assistance with getting this up and running would be greatly 
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