[wikka-community] Minor Bugs in 1164

Raffael rjr84
Thu Feb 7 13:39:03 GMT 2008



Please Check the ACL's for pages created by the installer. UserSettings
e.g.: *++ means that registered users can edit/modify the page.


I still think that the wikka version should be hidden (footer,


WikkaDocumentation should include at least an overview on the syntax


There seems to be an issue with the title generator. For my test site
this is not
> WakkaName : PageTitle
if I have e.g. a "====bla====" / <h3> in the content, w/o having the
site name as (higher) heading somewhere in the content.
See: http://demo.wikkawiki.org/SandBox


For consideration at a later stage:

I think it is wired that the navigation links are to be edited in the
config file and not the header template.


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