[wikka-community] Tracker notifications

Brian Koontz brian
Sat Sep 29 15:19:56 GMT 2007

On Sat, Sep 29, 2007 at 12:41:27PM +0200, Marjolein Katsma wrote:
> We're usually discussing development subjects quite openly in the #wikka 
> channel, going to private only when needed, so I don't see any problem 
> following the same pattern with the email lists as well.

If I can throw my USD0.02 in here...many projects have open moderated
dev lists (anyone can subscribe, but posts are moderated), and an
additional closed security list.  I'm going to make an alternative
suggestion:  Open the dev list to moderated posting, and create a new
security list.  The community list should remain active for news
that's of interest to the Wikka community (more akin to an announce
list), and not become the "new" dev list.

This will give Wikka users a choice:  Those not interested in dev
details can continue to subscribe to the community list (and we'll
make more of an effort to communicate on this list!), while those who
*do* want more details on the dev side can subscribe to that list.


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